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Best VPN that accepts PayPal

PayPal is one of the preferred online payment options for most of the internet users around the world. PayPal is very customer friendly and is one of the most easy-to-use payment solutions. ...

Internet Censorship Update – Uganda, India, Vietnam

Governments around the world are known to censor the Internet in different ways for political reasons. This month we present three countries – Uganda, India, and Vietnam – that ...

VPN that accepts CashU

Internet users living in Middle East and African countries face a lot of difficulties and the problems faced by these people seem to be the most severe amongst internet users of different ...

How to prevent account sniffing using VPN?

Internet users are prone to various online threats and all of these threats cause major damage to the individual or business organization if they are not taken care of in a proper manner. ...

Security Tips for Using WiFi on Planes

Most people who avail of the WiFi that is offered on planes assume that it is safe. In-flight WiFi is different from free public WiFi, but can still be dangerous to use if you do not ...

Top 5 VPN companies

Virtual Private Network is used by more than 70% of the individuals who cannot spend a day in their lives without using the internet. Purpose of using the internet network might vary ...

How to get the best VPN for Samsung Galaxy Tab

Samsung Galaxy Tab is used by many individuals and it is one of the most popular Tablets. VPN for Samsung Galaxy Tab makes a huge difference to users. VN:F [1.9.22_1171]VN:F [1.9.22_1171]

Watch vudu outside USA

Vudu, as you all might know, is one of the most popular on demand video streaming websites in the US. Most of the US based citizens would make use of the internet to watch these high ...


Voice over Internet Protocol is a communication tool which can be efficiently used in business organizations and also by individuals. The main purpose of VOIP is to communicate. Within ...

Top SSTP VPN service providers

Virtual Private Network is a service which would enable the internet user to gain accessibility and security. SSTP is considered to be the best VPN service provider as far as the security ...
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